The PrepQuip Group is a South African based group of companies, supplying equipment to the mining, metallurgical and water purification industries. The company offers extensive experience, innovative technology and application knowledge since 1989, and measures its quality and the performance of its equipment by international standards. Moreover, PrepQuip is accredited with ISO 9001(TUV, Germany).
PrepQuip’s major processing equipment include in house designed Flotation Columns, TH Filter Press, In-Line Guard Screen (automated static strainer), SpringSparge Sparger (Air and Oxygen Lances), Ceramic Plug and Seat Valve, High to low shear Atomix (In-line Mixer/Oxygen and air reactor) and Pachuka Valve (Multi Aerator valves), with particular focus on the minerals beneficiation industries. There are however more uses for the equipment outside the mineral beneficiation industries, please see the respective equipment and the uses on the mineral processing equipment page.
It is also envisaged that there will be a growing market in the treatment of ultra-fines that will eliminate the need for slimes dams/ponds in the future using our range of mineral processing products more specifically the flotation columns and filter presses which are already used worldwide.